Use LiteIDE development golang need to install the Go language development environment.
Mac Uninstall Golang
Go is an open source programming language that makes it easy to build simple, reliable, and efficient software.
- The package implements a user level arp table management in golang that monitor the local network for ARP changes and provide notifications when a MAC switch between online and offline. Force IP address change (IP spoofing) The most useful function is to force an IP address change by claiming the IP of a target MAC.
- Download the latest Go package (.pkg) file from Go’s official downloads page. Open the package and follow the on-screen instructions to install Go. By default, Go will be installed in /usr/local/go.
- Install GoLang on Mac OS. Download the Mac OS Go Installer and run the package. Follow the steps and verify the installation using 'go version' command. Install GoLang on Mac OS.
Begin by installing the Go language runtime. Detailed instructions can be found at Testing your installation before continuing is highly recommended.
Install from binary
Download the archive and extract it into c:
Linux and MacOSX
Download the archive and extract it into /usr/local or $HOME
Building from Source
Source code for LiteIDE can be found at You will need to install Qt4/Qt5 in order to compile the source. Qt can be obtained from or from your distribution’s package manager. For Mac OS X, you don’t need to install Qt from source code, but run brew update && brew install qt
which will save you several hours.
Ubuntu 16.04 Qt4
Ubuntu 16.04 Qt5
Ubuntu 14.04
Mac OS X / macOS
Qt 4
Qt 5 sdk install
Golang Pdf
Download Qt from and install. (Qt5.6.2/Qt5.7.1/Qt5.8)
Qt 5 brew install
Use brew install qt (eg brew install qt. Other versions of qt@5.5 and qt@5.7 works too).
Warning! brew install qt rpath incorrect do not use deploy script.
Raspbian Jessie
Addin Be sure to set QTDIR
for Windows users) accordingly based on your local environment.
Fedora 27
Following this step I had to clone the contents of the following repos in liteide/src/github.comi.e. liteidex/src/
GO is available to be installed on Win, Mac, and Linux platforms. GO can be installed on MAC in three ways
- Using archive
- Using brew
- Using .pkg installer
Let’s look at all the three ways
- Download the MAC pkg installer from here – Double click the .pkg file and follow the onscreen instructions. Once finished GO will be installed in the below directory.
- The installer will also add ‘/usr/local/go/bin’ to your env PATH variable. This is the directory where the GO binary resides. Relaunch terminal for changes to take effect
Test Installation:
- Relaunch the terminal and type the command ‘which go’ in the terminal.It will output /usr/local/go/bin/go. This is location of go binary.
- Try running the ‘go version’ command. It will output the current GO Version
To uninstall do below two steps:
- Download the archive of latest version of GO from here – After downloading untar it at the location /usr/local. You can run the below command to untar
- After the untar, the below path will contain the go binary ‘/usr/local/go/bin’. You have to add this location to your .bashrc. Open your .bashrc make the below entry
Test Installation
- Relaunch the terminal and type command ‘which go’ in the terminal. It will output /usr/local/go/bin/go. This is the location of GO binary.
- Try running the ‘go version’ command. It will output the current GO Version
- Try running ‘go’ command as well. It will output
To uninstall do below two steps
- Run below command to remove the files. It will require sudo permission
- Remove the below entry from the .bashrc file
Simplest way to install GO on MAC is using the brew.
Test Installation
- Relaunch the terminal and type command ‘which go’ in the terminal.It will output /usr/local/go/bin/go. This is the location of GO binary.
- Try running the ‘go version’ command. It will output the current GO Version
To uninstall simple run command