Cmd Download For Mac

Cmd is essential to building cross-platform web apps with a full set of lifecycle management features to complement your Sencha projects. Every command is made up of three elements: the command itself, an argument which tells the command what resource it should operate on, and an option that modifies the output. So, for example, to move a file from one folder to another on your Mac, you’d use the move command 'mv' and then type the location of the file you want to move.

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CommandBox is a standalone, native tool for Windows, Mac, and Linux that will provide you with a Command Line Interface (CLI) for developer productivity, tool interaction, package management, embedded CFML server, application scaffolding, and some sweet ASCII art. It seamlessly integrates to work with any of our *Box products but it is also open for extensibility for any ColdFusion (CFML) project as it is also written in ColdFusion (CFML) using our concepts of CommandBox Commands. It tightly integrates with our contribution community; ForgeBox, so developers can share modules world-wide.

Built-in help is completely integrated for every command, so you can always know how to work with CommandBox. You can pop open a CommandBox shell in your terminal window and manually type commands, or even automate things externally via the CommandBox binary box with your OS's native shell and create awesome command recipes for automation, building, deploying, you name it!

Package Management

CommandBox also functions as a package management tool which integrates seamlessly with ForgeBox, our community of ColdFusion (CFML) projects, but can also integrate with git,svn,http, ftp and many more code endpoints. We have created a package descriptor we lovingly call box.json which describes your package, dependencies, dev dependencies, ForgeBox data and can also be used as a settings descriptor for CommandBox commands. Any project that contains a box.json in its root can be installed by CommandBox with a simple command: box install {package}. CommandBox will be smart enough to determine package dependencies, local artifact tracking and much more. You can even initialize a CommandBox package using: box init and get cooking with CommandBox packages.

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Sample box.jsonCmd for mac address

Application Scaffolding

CommandBox has a plethora (Yes, I said Plethora) of commands for quickly building out ColdBox/CommandBox/TestBox applications. Create a new ColdBox app with a simple command:coldbox create app, add a handler with coldbox create handler MyHandler. You can even get actions added to it, views created, and BDD integration tests stubbed out at the same time. This can bring new productivity for people who like to live on the command line and especially for those who want to be able to automate workflows. Check it out yourself, type coldbox create help and see all the creation helpers available.

Embedded Server

One of the cool things CommandBox brings to the table is the ability to spin up an ad hoc, lightweight, ColdFusion (CFML) server (Lucee or Adobe ColdFusion) in any directory from the command line. Simply change your working directory to the root of your app, type server start and a super-fast server spins up on a new port running your code. When you're done type server stop from that directory or use the little icon that's showed up in your system tray. You can even get the server's logs, status and much more.

Extensible Via ColdFusion (CFML)

So one of the most interesting things about CommandBox is that the actual commands are written in ColdFusion (CFML) itself! CommandBox is small, lightweight, integrated at the operating system level, but actually running on CFML powered by WireBox. This means you will can extend it with your own commands that do cool stuff for any framework, or automate repetitive tasks you're tired of doing every day.

Sample CommandBox Command:

You can download CommandBox for any flavor of operating system shown below:

No JRE Included

The following downloads do not include a Java Runtime.

With JRE Included

The following downloads include a Java Runtime.


The following installations are supported:

Command Prompt On A Mac

  • Windows exe
  • Mac/Linux executable binary
  • Manual installation
  • Homebrew (for Mac)
  • Linux (Redhat)
  • Linux (Debian)
  • Linux Yum
  • Linux APT

Read up on each of these methods here in our installation docs.


Below you can find all the print books you can purchase about CommandBox. You can also find them available in print and kindle format via Amazon and Amazon Kindle Store in your location around the world.

  • Command Line for ColdFusion (CFML)
  • Operation System integration for executing commands
  • Ability to create and execute commands built using ColdFusion (CFML)
  • ForgeBox integration for cloud package management and installations
  • ColdBox Platform, TestBox, and CommandBox CMS Integrations
  • Integrated servlet server with rewrite capabilities
  • Ability to create command recipes and execution
  • REPL (Read-Evaluate-Print-Loop) console for immediate ColdFusion (CFML) interaction
  • Ability to interact with user via CLI and create workflows and installers
  • Ability to execute workflows and tasks
  • Built-in Help system

CommandBox also provides an official Docker image, which allows you to leverage its capability to orchestrate live servers in multi-tier deployments. Since, CommandBox allows you to configure your entire CFML engine environment from a single file in the root of your project, packaging or mounting your CFML application in to a running CommandBox image container allows you to stand up your application in Docker containers in a matter of seconds.

To stand up an image for testing purposes, simply run:

This will start up a test instance of the image which should give you a 'Commandbox is Up and Running on Docker!' page when you navigate to your container URL.$gh issue list

Showing 4 of 4 issues in cli/cli
#16Improving interactions with protected branches
#14PR commands on a detached head
#13Support for GitHub Enterprise (enhancement)
#8Add an easier upgrade command (bug)

Cmd Download File

gh pr status

Relevant pull requests in cli/cli
Current branch
There is no pull request associated with [fix-homepage-bug]
Created by you
You have no open pull requests
Requesting a code review from you
#100Fix footer on homepage[fix-homepage-footer]
✓ Checks passing- Review pending
gh pr checkout 12
remote: Enumerating objects: 66, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (66/66), done.
remote: Total 83 (delta 66), reused 66 (delta 66), pack-reused 17
Unpacking objects: 100% (83/83), done.
* [new ref] refs/pull/8896/head -> patch-2
Switched to branch 'patch-2'
gh pr create

Creating pull request for feature-branch into main in ampinsk/test
? Title My new pull request
? Body [(e) to launch vim, enter to skip]
? What's next? Submit
gh pr checks
All checks were successful
1 failing, 3 successful, and 1 pending checks
build (macos-latest)4m18s
build (ubuntu-latest)1m23s
build (windows-latest)4m43s
gh release create 1.0
? Title GitHub CLI 1.0
? Release notes Write my own
? Is this a prerelease? No
? Submit? Publish release
gh repo view
GitHub’s official command line tool
GitHub CLI
gh is GitHub on the command line. It brings pull requests, issues, and other GitHub concepts to the terminal next to where you are already working with git and your code.
Image: screenshot of gh pr status →
View this repository on GitHub:
gh alias set bugs 'issue list --label='bugs'

Cmd Download For Pc

- Adding alias for bugs: issue list --label='bugs'
Added alias.
$ gh bugs
Showing 2 of 7 issues in cli/cli that match your search
#19Pagination request returns empty JSON (bug)
#21Error raised when passing valid parameters (bug)